I Am New Here


Kewaskum House Of Prayer as a Pentecostal church , believes that the Bible is the inspired Word of God which tells us the Good News of
Salvation in Jesus Christ. We strive to support and encourage each other in our Christian faith and its application to our lives.

What To Expect When I Visit Your Church For The First Time

What can I expect when I visit?

When you come you can expect a warm friendly greeting, worshipful music, and hear a practical message from the Bible to help you with real life issues.

What kind of church is this?

We are a Pentecostal church who believes the Bible is the inspired Word of God. We strive to support and encourage each other in our Christian faith and its application to our lives.

Who started it all?

Our founding Pastor Robert Lormis and his wife Laura.

What was their vision?

They wanted to start a church with a vision to reach out to the many non-church-going people in the area and provide a place to build authentic faith in Christ. No playing church, no status symbols, no fake smiles and fashion shows. Just real people, finding real hope, in the real world.

When did the church open it’s doors?

In 1988, meeting in the Kewaskum Labor Union Hall before purchasing our current building in 1989.

What and Why we do it?

Basically, every person matters to God and the Bible is the book worth knowing. Life through Christ provides the peace, power and perspective that we all need. It’s the church’s purpose to point people to the God of love and grace.

When I come what should I wear?

Suits and ties are not required, but respect for the House Of God is expected. 😀

What is the service time?

We have 2 services on Sunday. Morning Worship at 10:00am (approximately 1.5 hours) and a 6:00pm casual Bible Study. We also Have Thursday Worship at 7:00pm. Come down and have some fun!

Are you a Christian Church?

Yes this is a Christian Church seeking to follow the teachings of Jesus. We simply want to experience authentic faith and love people wherever they are. See the section “About Us” for details of what we believe.

How do I get to the church?

Our church is located at 100 Clinton Street Kewaskum, WI 53040. Click here for a map.

When I come will I have to say anything, give anything, sign anything, sing anything or be singled out in any way?

You will be greeted at the door, asked to fill out a visitor card and drop it in the offering basket, but it not required. 😀 We want you to feel at home while you visit us so just be yourself!

What kind of people come to your church?

People just like you! (by the way…perfect people Not Allowed! :D) If you are looking for a place where you can seek God, grow in your faith and meet some amazing new friends- Give Us a Try!

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